Which m(ødm) project do you enjoy the most and why?
I believe that many architects, like myself, strive to contribute to the community and create enjoyable, inviting spaces within the city. Therefore, I'm drawn to projects that encourage interactions and enhance overall quality of life, such as The Pitch and Z Block.
I love everything with 2 wheels, mountain biking, dirt bikes and adventure bikes.
Favorite snack?
It's difficult for me to resist some Haribo Starmix.
How do you take your coffee or caffeine?
Directly into the blood stream.
What is your favorite thing about working for Mark Odom Studio?
I appreciate looking across the studio and witnessing the encouragement and motivation that the staff shares with each other.
Where in the world would you like to visit most?
Hiking in the French + Italian Alps.
Can you list one space or structure that inspired you when you were little?
New Orleans French Quarter always spoke to me. I remember wanting to know more about the history and people who might have occupied the buildings.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I'm pretty good at ring muscle ups.
Lake Charles, LA