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Which m(ødm) project do you enjoy the most and why?

West 49th St Office Park, I think it's a really sleek and modern design and the brick patterning is subtle but impactful.


Reading greek mythology, volleyball, trivia, watercolor

Favorite snack?


How do you take your coffee or caffeine?

I don't drink much coffee but I really love green tea.

What is your favorite thing about working for Mark Odom Studio?

The small studio environment that is open to new ideas and innovations.

Where in the world would you like to visit most?


Can you list one space or structure that inspired you when you were little? 

Maya Lin's Vietnam War Memorial. I grew up in DC and remember reading about what her inspiration was and felt like it was such a thoughtful project.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you? 

I am bilingual.


Washington DC

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