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Ryan Jacovetty

Which m(ødm) project do you enjoy the most and why?

The Pitch is my favorite m(ødm) project because of the way it brings the community together in a uniquely charged social space that emphasizes material and landscape.


I love to cook for family/friends! I am always looking to test myself by trying new recipes and cuisines.

Favorite snack?

Chips and queso/guacamole

How do you take your coffee or caffeine?

An iced vanilla latte could solve all of my problems.

What is your favorite thing about working for Mark Odom Studio?

The people! Everyone is so collaborative and fun to be around.

Where in the world would you like to visit most?

Tokyo, Japan. The city is so vibrant and full of life and amazing architecture.

Can you list one space or structure that inspired you when you were little? 

A bit of a basic answer, but Falling Water probably started my infatuation with the architectural profession.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you? 

I'm right-handed, but I bat and golf left-handed.


Cleveland, Ohio

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